Journées portes ouvertes et visites des universités Britanniques

Prochains Evénements en Ligne

University for the Creative Arts at SI-UK London

1 March 2019
11:00 - 11:30
SI-UK London Office
Representative: Elizabeth Edmunds

As one of the largest specialist creative arts universities in Europe, we offer a truly global perspective in creative education, with 17 per cent of our students coming to study with us from overseas. We have a diverse international community that welcomes students from 91 nations from all over the world.

Oscar winning filmmakers, world renowned fashion designers, television presenters, celebrity jewellers and Turner Prize nominees are just some of the high-profile graduates from the University for the Creative Arts.

At UCA you can choose from hundreds of courses, covering every kind of creative specialism, including architecture, fashion and photography.

Who: University for the Creative Arts

Where: SI-UK London Office

When: Friday 1 March 2019, 11:00 - 11:30

Representative: Elizabeth Edmunds

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Le service de SI-UK est rapide, fiable et efficace - leurs consultants sont des spécialistes, travaillant en étroite collaboration avec toutes les universités britanniques; grâce aux conseils de mes consultants et à l'aide à la candidature, j'ai pu obtenir des offres des universités les mieux classées.

Carla Termini King's College London, Accounting and Finance

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