Journées portes ouvertes et visites des universités Britanniques

Prochains Evénements en Ligne

University of Strathclyde at SI-UK Manchester

6 November 2019
15:30 - 16:00
SI-UK Manchester Office
Representative: Sherry Fan

The University of Strathclyde was founded in 1796 and has a rich history of teaching and innovation. Located in the centre of Glasgow, Scotland's largest city, Strathclyde is home to students from over 100 countries.

Winners of seven Times Higher Education Awards, including University of the Year 2012 and Business School of the Year 2016, the University have a world-wide reputation for teaching and research excellence.

Who: University of Strathclyde

Where: SI-UK Manchester Office

When: Wednesday 6 November 2019, 15:30 - 16:00

Representative: Sherry Fan

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Le service de SI-UK est rapide, fiable et efficace - leurs consultants sont des spécialistes, travaillant en étroite collaboration avec toutes les universités britanniques; grâce aux conseils de mes consultants et à l'aide à la candidature, j'ai pu obtenir des offres des universités les mieux classées.

Carla Termini King's College London, Accounting and Finance

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