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University of Suffolk at SI-UK London

28 August 2019
11:00 - 11:30
SI-UK London Office
Representative: Mike Macias

The University of Suffolk has been recognised for its academic experience in the Times Higher Education annual Student Experience Survey by being ranked 14th in the country.

Participants were asked to provide a rating based on the quality of the staff and lectures, whether the staff are helpful and interested, whether the courses are well structured, whether they have a good personal relationship with teaching staff and whether tuition was in small groups.

Professor Mohammad Dastbaz, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Suffolk, said “One of the first things a prospective student will consider is the academic experience of a university so we are delighted to have been recognised in this area.

Who: University of Suffolk

Where: SI-UK London Office

When: Wednesday 28 August 2019, 11:00 - 11:30

Representative: Mike Macias

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Carla Termini King's College London, Accounting and Finance

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